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Test Your Web App
Samsung Galaxy S8
Apple Watch
iPhone 6
Apple iOS 9
Apple iOS 9 vs Android Marshmallow
Apple Watch and iPhone 6
Apple Watch. New ways to connect
iPhone 6 vs Galaxy S5
Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Android Lollipop vs Marshmallow
Android 5.0 Lollipop
HTC One M8
Samsung Galaxy S5
Android 4.0
Here are our top resources for creating app simulations, click-through guides and guided tutorials for your app.
How to Create a Click-through Guide for Your App
- Learn how to create a nice click-through guide for your mobile app - it's a great way to boost user engagement.
How to Create an Interactive Demo of your iPhone or iPad App
- Learn how to create an interactive demo for your app - it's a great way to showcase your app to users.
How to build an Android demo app and export it as APK file
- Learn how to create a simple demo app in Android - it's a great way to showcase your app to investors.
How To Install a Demo on iPhone, iPad and Android Home Screen
- Learn how to create your demo on your mobile device home screen - it's a great way to quickly show a walkthrough of your app.
How to Play a YouTube Video Inside an iPhone Device Image
- Learn how to put a video inside an iPhone device image - it's a great way to show your app on your app landing page.